Content Marketing for Better Google Rankings

Content is a very important factor in getting a high ranking result on search engines, yet people often overlook this.

For search engines, the word content means words and a lot of them. Media isn’t included (only alt text) as far as search engines are concerned and it doesn’t affect your ranking. It is possible to be high ranked in a search engine with little words and lots of pictures and if that’s the case, Kudo’s to you! However, in general, content-rich sites are what rank highest.

Find target keywords that your competitors overlook

By this, I mean see what random things your audience searches for to do with your product or service. If you are a local business like a lawyer or a shop, localize your focus keywords with the city or town names, Lawyer In London for instance. Go onto WordTracker and see what is being searched for in your sector and see what variations there are. Incorporate spelling mistakes as quite often people spell things wrong in a search engine.

Create Libraries Of Content

I understand business find it difficult to produce content, and when your competitors have hundreds, sometimes thousands of pages of content it’s often hard to compete. Find articles that are to do with your sector and summarise them on your website, whilst posting a link to the original source. This is covered under fair use copyright, as you are not claiming as your own. Always link back to the original owner as otherwise it would count as plagiarism. While you’re doing this, why not ask the article writer to link back to your website in return? It’s beneficial to you both.

Review products or services that are in your area, like me for instance. I say my opinions on Buffer, Sprout Social, Canva, PicMonkey etc. Put plenty of keywords into your reviews and summaries, you never know, one day people might send you free stuff to review.

Answer Your Audiences Questions

Every question you have ever been asked to do with your industry is a blog. While, at the time you probably gave a shorter answer, you should elaborate deeper on the subject. If somebody wants an answer to a question they literally type it into a search engine and see what comes up, which is why Yahoo Answers and Ask are so popular. Having a blog increases your SEO substantially when updated regularly.

Product Information As Content

If you are distributing another companies products, contact them direct an ask for any materials that you can use on your website. As long as you have permission you can fill your website up with plenty of content and all it took was an email or two to get it. This can be technical information, brochures or press releases. Quite often press releases have no copyright and are widely available.

Remember, you want content that has your keywords in it, otherwise it is quite pointless. If you are a business selling candles, you want keywords like candle, scent, wax, relaxing, aroma as well as the scents that you sell etc.